Food Challenge

Food Challenge is a mobile game that encourages healthy eating. The game goes on in a world with different food choices. The goal is to collect as healthy food as possible and to avoid junk food.

Upon completing maps, the player opens up recipes that are healthy and directed to the student budget. Instead, if the game goes badly, that is, the player collects a lot of junk food, it will appear on the scoreboard and thus also on the non-opening recipes.

Where did the idea come from?

The game is being done as part of the first year of our studies. The project is designed to simulate real working life, so it also has a real customer. This year, the customer of the project is TAMK itself. The game is part of their What makes me wanna move? -project, which is a health promoting project aimed at university students.

The aim of the project is to promote health and to motivate and guide students in choices that support their well-being, and to increase and integrate physical activity into positive everyday life. On this basis, computer science students are now producing mobile games that encourage students to eat healthier and move more.

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